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Post written by:

Jacques Bajon

Director of studies

You want to know more about the world television market ? Check out our last study !

The succession of crises continues to reinforce the downward trend in the television market. Thus, after Covid-19, the conflict in Ukraine and its impact on inflation and the economy, television revenues will not return to past levels. Moreover, structurally, the pay-TV sector is losing ground, due to the increasing popularity of OTT video services and TV ad-supported services have to contend with the continued growth of the Internet market.

After a post-Covid recovery in 2021, the global TV market is expected to decline by -0.2% in 2022 and by a longer trend of -0.4% per year by 2026. The decline in the pay-TV sector is the main cause of this deterioration. This is also the case in the world’s largest market, the US, where the value of the TV market is expected to fall by more than USD 10 billion, or -8.5%, between 2022 and 2026.

While the TV market continues to lose steam, the growth of OTT is ensuring the dynamics of the audiovisual sector. It is expected to account for a third of the total “Television and Video” market in 2026.

  • This report is part of our TV & Video Market Monitor which provides detailed figures and analysis of key trends. It includes a database and a summary report.
  • It covers the latest developments in 37 countries and 11 regions and sub-regions, as well as a global consolidation.
  • The data covers the period 2018-2022 as well as forecasts by year from 2023 to 2026.
  • The report provides an analysis of the main market trends in terms of accessrevenues and players in the television market.