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Post written by:

Philippe Baudouin

Digital Uses and Territories​ Community Leader

The prospects opened up by the smart city are rooted in a more intense use of digital technologies in the multiple components that make up the urban ecosystem: transport, security, network management, environmental management, waste management, transforming commerce, tourism, relations with government services, etc.

It is well understood that smart city projects can only develop successfully if the applications are relevant (useful and accepted) and if they are gradually interwoven with a cross-cutting momentum on a city-wide scale.

Beyond that, the success of these initiatives will depend in large part on users’ trust in the digital infrastructure and services on offer, along with the project’s ability to mobilise all of the urban ecosystem’s stakeholders. Taking proper account of these prerequisites must be central to governing any smart city project.
How to persuade users of the benefits of smart city projects?

  • How to exploit the full potential of participatory democracy (civil tech) when running a smart city project?
  • How can open data help strengthen trust in smart cities?
  • How to prevent a smart city project from becoming just a juxtaposition of separate initiatives, bereft of synergies?
  • How to talk about the risks of cybersecurity in a smart city project?
  • What process needs to be in place to ensure the development of a resilient smart city?
